1.5sOf course, Lois.
1.7sI'm sure if we can just get them in the same room together,
1.77sI can convince them to talk it out.
2.54sWhy don't you invite Peter to lunch, and I'll invite Chris,
1.43sand we'll see what we can do.
1.43sThank you. I really appreciate it.
2.8sShe wanted me to talk to you guys about the way you've been behaving.
2.2sLook, Monkey, Chris is being a jerk, all right?
3.07sAnd there is nothing you can say that will make me change my mind about that.
1.7sPeter, you're acting bananas.
1.84s(LAUGHING) All right, I'll listen.
1.67sYou're both good guys.
2.54sAnd that's why it's important for you to reconcile your differences.
1.53sI wasn't able to do that,
2.77sand that's why I wound up living in a closet for nine years.