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2.9s(LOUD CHEERING) What's going on? Did I miss something?
2.7sNah, just some idiot streaking across the field.
2.89sHa-ha. You're all looking at my penis.
2.9sYou didn't plan on it, but it's happening.
5.41s(TOILET FLUSHING) Oh, man, these stadium bathrooms are always so disgusting.
2.75sLook at that. There's even a guy taking a crap in the sink.
2.8sOh, the last guy totally wrecked this sink.
1.72sOh, cool. Two spots opened up.
4.34s(STAMMERING) You go ahead. I can wait. I might wait for a stall.
1.73sOh, come on, Peter. We're missing the game.
2.57sHey. Hi. Hey.
1.83sPETER: Damn it. He already started.
2.07sIf I don't start peeing soon, it's gonna be weird.
1.97sHe'll be all done, and I'll still be here.
2sCome on, Peter. Pee.
1.27sYour dad fought in World War II,
1.27sand you can't even pee in a urinal?
1.32sWhat the hell's wrong with you?
1.22s- All set?
- Yup.
1.5sI know you didn't go.
2.72sI'm gonna go pee in a stairwell.