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2.57sLook at me! I'm Fred Astaire!
3.14sGotcha. Oh, You are gettin' heavy.
3.85sI'm gonna have your father flood the basement so you can get some more exercise.
2.9sYes, Yes. I do seem to have gained a bit of girth.
1.83sActually, my gullet seems to be rumbling.
1.52sAh! There we are.
1.83sOh, I say. I've laid an egg!
1.57sOh, That wasn't so bad.
3.47sI don't know what these women are always complaining abouT-- Ahh!
2sAttention, New quahogians.
3.54sToday, my vision for our future comes true.
1.2sA chicken in every pot,
1.63sand a cap in every ass!
1.28sPeter, put that away!
2.08sWhere did you get the metal for all those guns?
3.1sRecycling. I used the pipes from our irrigation systeM.
2.23sAre you crazy? You destroyed all our water pipes?
2.29sWe don't need guns! We need food and water!
1.12sI have a canker sore on my lip!
2sAnd I keep poking at it with my tongue!
1.63sBut that's only making it worsE!
2.1sLook, There's a reason I'm in charge here, all right?
2.07sI'm the one who knew the world was gonna end.
3.04sI'm the one who found the Twinkee factory and started this town.