2.47sLike when a new pope moves into the Vatican.
1.87sHi, I don't know who to complain to about this,
3.1sbut I'm still getting XVIII's mail.
3.44sYeah, no. No, he's not here anymore, this is XXIV.
2.3sYeah, no, I don't need Newsweek.
2.47sNo, I don't need National Geographic.
2.7sNo... Yeah, we'll hang on to Boys' Life.
1.44sHello, neighbors.
1.68sJoe, you can walk.
2.72sHow do you do? I'm Stan Smith. Please, come in.
2.68sI'm so glad everyone could make it.
1.2sStan, I need $50.
3.24sThey're selling a biopsy of Celine Dion's uterus on eBay.
1.57sWhat the hell kind of dog is that?
2.4sI was going to ask the same thing.