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2.54sPackage delivery. Package delivery?
3.07sOh, God! Fantastic!
2.09sNow, the first order of business...
2.57sis to blame everything on the guy before me.
3.9sProfessor? I'll ruin you like I ruined this company!
2.08sTerrific. Question number one--
1.93sWhat was your overall business plan?
3.95sBusiness plan, uh, yes.
2.9sI keep it here, right next to my heart.
3.17sThis isn't a business plan. It's an escape plan.
3.32sSo long, suckers!
2.52sFry, as a fellow '80s dollar jockey,
3.6s- I'm makin' you my new vice chairman. - Wahoo!
2.22sI'm rollin' up the corporate ramp!
2.6sIt's the end of the line. We're ruined!
4.7sWhat fevered dream is this that bids to tear this company in twain?