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2.2sThis company's gonna shoot straight to the top...
2.53sand stay there, like Cyndi Lauper.
4.69sI ask you, who is the number one delivery service on Earth?
0.49sIs it Planet Express, master?
2.17sIs this guy a shark or what?
1.92sSeriously, though, we stink out loud.
2.22sHere's the big Enchirito--
2.64sMom's Friendly Delivery Company.
3.27sWe can't compete with Mom! Her company is big and evil.
2.36sOurs is small and neutral.
1.34sSwitzerland is small and neutral.
3.8sWe're more like Germany-- ambitious and misunderstood.
2.54sLook, everyone wants to be like Germany.
2.63sBut do we really have the pure strength of will?
1.94sI say we do!
2.54sNow, are we gonna let ourselves get beaten by an old lady?
2.84s- Yes, my liege. - No, we're not!
2.8sAnd as vice chairman, I believe I speak for the entire board...
2.2swhen I issue this challenge to Mom!
3.6sLook at my butt! Whooooo!