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3.42sSo why are these Brain Spawn attacking Earth, Nibbler?
2.74sThe Brain Spawn hate all consciousness.
2.82sThe thoughts of others screech at them like the forced laughs...
2.37sof a billion art-house movie patrons.
3.15sThus they travel from world to world, making everyone stupid...
2.97sin order to wipe out all thought in the universe.
4.24sWipe out all thought? My God! They're like flying televisions!
2.65sAnd even we are powerless to stop them,
3.32sfearsome though we are.
3.12sThere is but one being who can resist them--
2.72sa child of destiny whose bizarre brain-wave pattern...
2.39smakes him immune to the Brain Spawn attack.
4.21sHe is the hope of the universe.
3.77sThe fate of your world-- perhaps all worlds--
2.1srests in his special mind.
2.45sNow, when you say "special--"