3.17sI can't believe Krusty's really gone. Don't worry, son.
2.43sI'm sure he's up in heaven right now,
2.74slaughing it up with all the other celebrities--
4.44sJohn Dillinger, Ty Cobb, Joseph Stalin.
1.83sWe're gathered to mourn the passing...
2.03sof Herschel Schmoeckel Krustofski,
2.6sbeloved entertainer and dear friend.
1.67sHello. I'm Troy McClure.
2.37sYou might remember me from such show business funerals...
2.2sas "Andre the Giant, We Hardly Knew Ye,"
3.24sand "Shemp Howard: Today We Mourn a Stooge."
2.84sNow, Krusty's closest friend and sidekick,